Author / Sara Allevi
Giulia Parlato wins the “Luigi Ghirri” Young Italian Photography Award
The jury, composed by Tim Clark, Adele Ghirri, Elisa Medde, Cristiano Raimondi and Carlo Sala, declared Giulia Parlato the winner “For constructing a research project that questions and interrogates the role of photography and the museum in historical reconstruction, and our role and responsibility in attributing meanings and degrees of adherence to reality.”
2022-05-26 -
Through the female gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s
Italian Cultural Institute in Edinburgh
8 March – 30 April 2022
The exhibition looks at how female photographers have explored work, especially female labour, in contemporary Italy, with over 100 selected images from the work of 12 women artists and two collectives, together with important loans from the Collezione Donata Pizzi and a selection of images from UDI (Union of Italian Women) Archive in Bologna A constellation of women from different generations are brought together through their shared use of the medium of photography as a means of personal emancipation
and political inquiry.2022-04-02 -
Mostra Io, Lei, l’Altra. Ritratti e autoritratti fotografici di donne artiste
From March 19 to June 26, 2022 the Magazzino delle Idee in Trieste presents the exhibition Io, lei, l’altra – Portraits and photographic self-portraits of women artists, curated by Guido Comis in collaboration with Simona Cossu and Alessandra Paulitti. Produced and organised by ERPAC – Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale del Friuli Venezia Giulia – the exhibition traces, through ninety works, the photography of the last hundred years and allows us to evaluate the new conception of women and their role through a succession of extraordinary images from Wanda Wulz to Cindy Sherman, from Florence Henri to Nan Goldin.
2022-03-29 -
Donne fotografe nell’Italia nel Novecento
Giornale dell’Arte
Lo sguardo femminile e il tema del lavoro in una mostra collettiva all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Londra2021-12-04 -
Through the female gaze: women and work in Italy since the 1950s
Italian Cultural Institute, London
3-23 December 2021
The exhibition looks at how female photographers have explored work, especially female labour, in contemporary Italy, with over 100 selected images from the work of 12 women artists and two collectives, together with important loans from the Collezione Donata Pizzi and a selection of images from UDI (Union of Italian Women) Archive in Bologna A constellation of women from different generations are brought together through their shared use of the medium of photography as a means of personal emancipation
and political inquiry.2021-12-02 -
Program of additional activities at the Ragusa Foto Festival 2021
Ragusa Ibla, 24/07 – 29/08/2021
The Association “Collezione Donata Pizzi” ETS collaborates as a partner for the cultural activities of the Ragusa Foto Festival 2021 now in its ninth edition and sponsored by MiC, Caritas Italiana, Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa, Fondazione di Comunità Val di Noto, Camera di Commercio del Sud Est Sicilia, curated by Stefania Paxhia and Steve Bisson.
2021-10-04 -
Tatay, videoinstallazione
Tatay, videoinstallazione 29/10- 28/11 2021.
Tatay is a video installation by Marina Ballo Charmet, realized with the friendly collaboration of Ludovico Einaudi.2021-10-02 -
“Ciao Maschio”: the identity of man on show at the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome
Man’s role, power and identity in society have changed radically since the end of the 19th century. The exhibition tries to identify the crucial steps by bringing together more than 100 works by important Italian and international artists.
2021-07-14 -
RESISTANCE & SENSIBILITY Collezione Donata Pizzi Women photographers from Italy
Frankfurt am Main, 30.01.2020 – Five decades of photography, as seen from a female perspective: under the title RESISTANCE & SENSIBILITY, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) presents 150 works by Italian women photographers from 1965 to the present day. The selection from the “Collezione Donata Pizzi” shows various facets of everyday life, social and contemporary history.
2020-01-29 -
Ballarat International Foto Biennale
Monday 26 – Thursday 29 August, 2019 at Federation University in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.